31-Android NPU YOLOV5 object detection
Test Platform: K1-RK3568-Android13.0
Test demo: rk-android13.0\ hardware\ rockchip\ rknpu2\ examples\ rknn_yolov5_demo
1. Compile the demo
environment construction
Install cmake
Or use snapd to install cmake.
Download Android NDK
Setting environment variables
validation result
Run the build script for the corresponding platform
Everything you need to generate is in the install directory
2. Run the demo
Compress the install file
Push install.tar.gz adb to the board
Run on the board
Enter the board /data/directory
Run demo
image detection
Parameter 1 for the model: model/RK3566_RK3568/yolov5s-640-640.rknn Parameter 2 is: picture
For video detection
Three parameters:./rknn_yolov5_video_demo <rknn_model> <video_path> <video_type 264/265>
3.Results of the demo run
The generated result is in the current directory out.jpg

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