* Read the persistent locale. Inspects the following system properties
* (in order) and returns the first non-empty property in the list :
* (1) persist.sys.locale
* (2) persist.sys.language/country/localevar (country and localevar are
* inspected iff. language is non-empty.
* (3) ro.product.locale
* (4) ro.product.locale.language/region
* Note that we need to inspect persist.sys.language/country/localevar to
* preserve language settings for devices that are upgrading from Lollipop
* to M. The same goes for ro.product.locale.language/region as well.
const std::string readLocale()
const std::string locale = GetProperty("persist.sys.locale", "");
if (!locale.empty()) {
return locale;
const std::string language = GetProperty("persist.sys.language", "");
if (!language.empty()) {
const std::string country = GetProperty("persist.sys.country", "");
const std::string variant = GetProperty("persist.sys.localevar", "");
std::string out = language;
if (!country.empty()) {
out = out + "-" + country;
if (!variant.empty()) {
out = out + "-" + variant;
return out;
const std::string productLocale = GetProperty("ro.product.locale", "");
if (!productLocale.empty()) {
return productLocale;
// If persist.sys.locale and ro.product.locale are missing,
// construct a locale value from the individual locale components.
const std::string productLanguage = GetProperty("ro.product.locale.language", "en");
const std::string productRegion = GetProperty("ro.product.locale.region", "US");
return productLanguage + "-" + productRegion;