11-SDK source code compilation
1. build environment
This build environment configuration for Android/Linux SDK
Hardware requirements
System Version
Ubuntu 22.04
Number of CPU cores
More than 4 cores
Memory capacity
16GB or more
Hard disk capacity
200GB or more
Install dependent packages
The package name will change according to the UBUNTU version update
The installation of different UBUNTU versions failed, you can search for the corresponding solution on the network
2. Linux SDK compilation
SDK Introduction
Rockchip Linux SDK consists of SDK source packages and file system images
SDK source package kernel version 5.10, support Ubuntu 20.04, Debian11 file system
Get the SDK source code
Network disk download SDK source code compressed package
The network disk SDK directory is as follows
Copy the source zip to the build host directory
If the compilation host is a virtual machine, it cannot be compiled in a shared directory
MD5 verifies file integrity
Unzip the source code compressed package
The SDK source code compressed package is shared through the Git repository, and the .git folder can be viewed with the ls -al command
Restore source files
Enter the extracted directory and restore the source code through git.
Note: Please operate under Linux and git is installed
Get the file system image
The SDK source package does not contain the file system image. You need to refer to the following steps to extract and copy the file system to the SDK source code separately.
The network disk provides debian and ubuntu file system images, which can be downloaded by yourself according to your needs
File system network disk directory
MD5 verifies file integrity
Unzip the debian image file
The name and directory of the Debian image file must be consistent
File system directory:debian/linaro-rootfs.img
lLunch selects debian and will use this linaro-rootfs.img to compile
Unzip the Ubuntu image file
The names and directories of Ubuntu image files must be consistent
File system directory: ubuntu/ubuntu-rootfs.img
lunch Select ubuntu and it will be compiled with this ubuntu-rootfs.img
Compile the full image
build.sh SDK compilation for the first time, you must select the compilation configuration information, such as: CPU model, board model, file system model
For specific board model differences, please check the "Introduction to the Getting Started Document".
SDK compilation configuration
The configuration command can be compiled and executed once for the first time.
compilation mirroring
Image generation directory: rockdev/update-\ * .img
If the compilation fails, you can try to solve it yourself, or you can contact technical support customer service to solve it.
Compile partition images separately
Compile Uboot separately
Image generation directory: rockdev/uboot.img
Compile Kernel Separately
Image generation directory: rockdev/boot.img
Compile Buildroot separately
Image generation directory: rockdev/rootfs.img
Other commonly used commands
Kernel Configuration
buildroot configuration
Compile multi-screen adaptive mirroring
Factory Android/Linux mirror defaults to multi-screen adaptive mirror, compatible with official 7-inch/10-inch/15-inch display, connected to any display can be directly lit
SDK Add Compile Item
Example: Added RK3568 K1 Buildroot compilation option
New configuration file
Modify the compilation configuration file
3. Android13.0 SDK compilation
SDK Introduction
Kernel version: 5.10
Android system version: 13.0
Get the SDK source code
Network disk directory
Copy the source archive to the build host directory
If the compilation host is a virtual machine, it cannot be compiled in a shared directory
MD5 verifies file integrity
Unzip the source code compressed package
Compile the full image
According to the CPU model, select the corresponding compilation command; if the compilation fails, you can try to solve it yourself, or contact technical customer service to solve it.
**Configure SDK compilation items **
After the configuration is selected, the software will be configured to the selected device; if the device is switched, it needs to be reconfigured, otherwise it does not need to be configured multiple times.
Compile full image
Mirror generation directory:rockdev/Image-*/update-*.img
Configure thread options, specify thread 32
Note: If it fails when compiling Android, but there is no specific error, there is a high probability that the virtual machine configuration is too low;
Configure thread options, specify single thread
Or modify the default configuration in the build.sh and try again.
Compile partition images separately
**Compile Uboot separately **
Image generation directory: rockdev/Image-\ */uboot.img
Compile Kernel Separately
Image generation directory: rockdev/Image-\ */boot.img
Compile Android separately
Image generation directory: rockdev/Image-\ */super.img
Android environment configuration
Configure the command environment, you can use the command in the Android environment such as mm/get_build_var
Device configuration selection

Use related commands under Android, such as
Other commonly used commands
Kernel Configuration
Compile multi-screen adaptive mirroring
Factory Android/Linux mirror defaults to multi-screen adaptive mirror, compatible with official 7-inch/10-inch/15-inch display, connected to any display can be directly lit
Last updated