14-Hardware Aging Test
Hardware Aging Test is a hardware aging test based on the DeviceTest application, primarily focusing on CPU, DDR, GPU, and VPU aging tests.
Copying VPU Test Videos
The VPU aging test requires copying a video file to a specified directory on the system or SD card. The aging program will then perform decoding tests on the video.
Video File Requirements:
The video file name and path must match the following:
Below are two common methods for copying the video:
Use the adb push tool to push the Aging_Test_Video.mp4 video file to the /sdcard directory.
Copy the video file to a USB flash drive or SD card and use a file manager to copy it to the /sdcard directory.
Accessing the Hardware Aging Program
Open the calculator from the system application list.
Enter the characters "000.=" in the calculator.
Select "DeviceTest" and click on "Just once" or "Always."
The hardware testing program launches its interface.
Restart Stress Test
Open the Calculator in the list of system applications.
Enter the character “83991906=” into the calculator.
Starting automatic reboot
View reboot count
Turn off automatic reboot
Modify the reboot wait time, e.g. 15 s
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